PIB Supports a Number of Associations for Persons with Disabilities

As part of its Sustainable Social Responsibility Program, Palestine Islamic Bank (PIB) supported a number of associations involved in helping persons with disabilities and providing them with needed care.

The Bank supported the “Jasmine Charitable Society”, a society working in the Governorates of Ramallah and Al-Bireh on the care, rehabilitation, and treatment of persons with disabilities, contributing to integrating them in the local community, and enabling them to exercise their basic rights.

In the Governorate of Nablus, the Bank provided its support to “Sanad Association for Persons with Special Needs”, an association working to assess and rehabilitate children with special needs, and provide psychological and functional therapy services, as well as physiotherapy, speech-language therapy, and special education services.

In Gaza, the Bank has continuously supported the activities of the “Friendship Association for Autistic Children and Learning Disabilities” to empower the Association’s journey to continue providing services for children with special needs, assisting them at developing their skills, responding to their needs, and providing the relevant educational tools in this respect.

Dr. Imad Al-Sadi, Director General of PIB, noted that the bank is keen to provide its annual support for associations that are active in support and care for persons with special needs, whereby such support would enable the associations to keep on providing their services, promote and empower this category of our community, and assist in its integration.

Al-Sadi stated: “In addition to the support provided by the Bank in favor of these associations, the Bank also seeks to ensure the alignment of its transactions, services, and facilities with the circumstances of persons with special needs. In this respect, PIB had already introduced sign language to banking transactions and offered withdrawal and deposit vouchers in Braille.”

The mission and vision of PIB revolve around providing comprehensive high quality and modern banking solutions, following the provisions of the Islamic Sharia laws, and investment within an advanced technological perspective. It also sets a deliberate strategy to proceed with the digital transformation process, which resulted in launching pioneering digital services such as the 24-hour digital contact center, Islami Online, and Islami Mobile, which offer a distinctive package of banking services through an easy and secure environment that enhances the digital experience for its individual and corporate customers. PIB has also recently won "The Best Islamic Bank Award" and " The Best Digital Bank Award" in Palestine for the year 2021, according to International Business Magazine (INTLBM).